Adverse Weather Conditions
Through the winter we need to prepare for the possibility of extreme weather conditions which may impact on the normal running of the school.
The purpose of this page is to inform you of:
The procedure for notifying parents of a school closure in the event of heavy snow;
The steps the school will take to make the school site safe in the event of ice or snow;
To remind parents children should be dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. This includes coats, jumpers/cardigans, hats, gloves and appropriate footwear etc.
School Closure
A decision to close the school by the Headteacher and Chair of Governors will be taken in the following circumstances:
A significant number of school staff are unable to travel to school owing to heavy snow (including those qualified to administer First Aid);
The school site is inaccessible or unsafe for use by staff or children;
Unexpected worsening conditions if children are already in school leading to the decision to close the school before 3:10 pm.
The school will notify parents of a decision to close the school in the following ways:
The School Website
Parent Mail
Text message
Safe Access to the School Site
In the event that there is severe ice or snow within the school grounds, the Mason Road Gate will remain locked and access for all children will be limited to the Fernhill Road entrance with the following entry and pick up points into school:
Year R - Woodland Wing (Hedgehogs, Squirrels): Enter through Squirrels Class entrance
Year 1 - Meadow Wing (Badgers, Owls): Enter through the side door near the main office by the raised flower bed.
Year 2 - Hedgerow Wing (Voles, Foxes, Woodpeckers), : Enter through the main school hall
To ease congestion along the path, the doors will be opened slightly earlier to allow parents/carers to drop the children and leave immediately.
Children who are not dressed appropriately for the weather conditions will not be permitted to participate in outdoor activities. This includes both break times.