Children may bring a water bottle (no juice please) to drink throughout the day in addition to a drink provided with any packed lunch.
Morning break
A fruit/vegetable snack is provided by the school. Milk is also provided to children whose parents wish for them to have milk during the morning break. Children under the age of 5 can receive free milk. If you wish to participate please go to www.coolmilk.com to register your child.
Lunch time
Infant school children are now entitled to universal free school meals from September 2014.
A team of Supervisory Assistants care for the children under the guidance of our Senior Lunchtime Supervisor.
Children are encouraged to make their own menu choices, although parents are able to make selections where this more appropriate.
Parents may choose a school dinner or bring a packed lunch from home.
The school kitchen can cater for children who require a special dietry menu. For more information about what diets are catered for and how to apply for a special dietry menu, please visit https://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/hc3s/education-catering/specialdiets
If you believe that your child is eligible to Free School Meals, the school will receive additional money under the 'Pupil Premium' funding. To find out if your child is eligible please make an online application using the following link below, the school will be informed if the result of your application if it says you are eligible.