The Philosophy for Children (P4C) approach to teaching and learning is used to help children to develop into effective, critical and creative thinkers and to take responsibility for their own learning in a caring and collaborative way. At Manor Infant School, P4C is used as a tool to teach across the curriculum, linking to and enhancing the subjects of the National Curriculum where appropriate. It is used across the whole school as a tool with which to delve deeper into concepts and challenge ALL pupils to become deeper thinkers. During their time at school, children will develop their thinking, learn to justify their reasoning and give examples to clarify their thoughts. These early thinking skills will be developed in Year R so that children learn to share their ideas in a caring way, listening and respecting what others have to say. Pupils will learn to identify ‘big ideas’ from stimuli such as stories, pieces of music, film clips and art work. In Year 1 children will build on these skills and start to compose their own philosophical questions to use as the basis for an enquiry. Pupils will work together to come to a ‘commonly agreed truth’ at the end of each enquiry. They will learn to agree and disagree respectfully and feel secure to change their points of view. In Year 2 children continue to use the 8 step enquiry model to discuss questions that are important to them. They will work on building on each other’s views and asking different types of questions. All children will evaluate their enquiries and their thinking skills.