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Attendance & Absence

Responsibilities of parents/carers  Ensuring your child’s regular attendance at school is a parent/carer’s legal responsibility (Section 444 of the 1996 Education Act) and permitting absence from school that is not authorised by the school creates an offence in law. 


A child not attending school is considered a safeguarding matter. This is why information as to the reason for any absence is always required. 


What to do if my child is absent from school


If your child is absent you must: 

  • contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence and each subsequent day stating the reason for absence. 


If your child is absent we will: 

  • send a text message to you on the first day of absence by 9:30am if we have not heard from you – this is because we have a duty to ensure your child’s safety as well as their regular school attendance; 
  • make a follow-up telephone call if we have not heard from you by 10:30am; 
  • make a welfare visit to your home if we are not able to contact you by phone; 
  • invite you in to discuss the situation with our Inclusion Lead and/or Headteacher; 
  • if absences persist, refer the matter to the Hampshire County Council’s Attendance Legal Panels if absence is unauthorised and falls below 90%. 

Reporting an absence
A child's absence from school must be reported on the first morning by 9.30am and then on each subsequent day either:


Please ensure pupils remain at home for 48 hours after an episode of sickness or diarrhoea. For advice on whether your child is well enough to attend school, please check the recent information we have received from the NHS.


Attendance Policy
