At Manor we foster the potential of all our mathematicians, through a comprehensive curriculum that is inclusive for all pupils and develops their key skills, enabling them to acquire a high level of fluency with efficiency, accuracy and flexibility.
Children at Manor develop conceptual understanding of basic numbers and are able to make links between concrete, pictorial and abstract mathematical representations.
They develop confidence and resilience to master mathematical challenges that exist both within the classroom and the wider world and to overcome these with curiosity and fascination.
At Manor Infant School the mathematics curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, delivered primarily through the Hampshire planning format. This enables the curriculum to be delivered in a progressive manner with plenty of opportunities for over-learning and challenge for the most able.
In addition to maths lessons, the rest of children’s learning is delivered on the basis of high quality AfL through our enhanced provision, with differentiation and split inputs to enable children to progress well both within lessons and through a series of lessons.
The children access appropriate challenges with a balance of independent work (COOL – Carry On Our Learning), paired work and adult-led learning. There is a high focus on open ended, low threshold high ceiling learning.
Children make real-life links between their maths and the wider world and the rest of the curriculum (for example design technology and science) to embed the functionality of their learning.
Throughout their time at Manor children use a variety of practical resources which help solidify a context driven learning strategy and are used to these resources as part of the enhanced maths provision in their classrooms.
Maths provision in Early Years focuses on a balance between introducing and teaching new concepts. The well-resourced continuous provision classrooms provide opportunities for developing understanding of mathematical concepts. The children apply these skills through exploration using Numicon, building blocks, water play as well as a variety of many other concrete resources.
The maths leader attends training from the local authority and staff training sessions are regularly delivered.
Parents are provided with extra opportunities to support their children in maths through the use of half termly Key Instant Recall Facts which are sent home via Tapestry. The school subscribes to Purple Mash and NUMBOTS which further supports children’s access of maths both within school and outside.
The school places a high priority on maths and the maths leader is part of the Senior Leadership Team. The maths leader monitors and supports various aspects of the teaching and learning through book and planning scrutiny, observations, pupil conferencing, auditing of the learning environment and analysis of the progress of groups of children. Immediate feedback is provided to staff to ensure standards are maintained or improved.
Moderation of maths takes place as internal moderation and termly as a cluster group. A final moderation takes place at the end of KS1. Learning is measured through careful analysis of the application of skills.
Class teachers and the leadership group conduct half termly pupil progress meetings where performance analysis is linked to triangulate monitoring and measuring performance against individual and school targets.
We ensure that children will make at least good progress regardless of their starting point. Attainment is at least in line with the national standards and all children reach their potential.
There is a focus on application of skills, mathematical reasoning and cross curricular real life application.