At Manor Infant School, we aim to implement a curriculum that is exciting, inspiring, engaging and challenges all learners to work at the limit of their capability to achieve their potential. We aim to ensure High Quality Inclusive Teaching is effective to ensure learning is irresistible and engaging for all learners. We aim to develop the whole child, helping children to grow and develop as people in today’s modern world.
Our spiral Computing curriculum means that pupils revisit the areas of: Information Technology; Computer Science; Digital Literacy; and E-Safety throughout their time in school, with the content becoming increasingly complex to advance pupils knowledge and develop the necessary skills and attributes to be a citizen in today’s modern, demanding and evolving technological world. Through our Computing curriculum we equip our pupils to use computational thinking and creativity when using technology. Pupils are also taught the knowledge within Information Technology, Computer Science, Digital Literacy and E-Safety, and where appropriate a cross-curricular and thematic approach is used. Our school values of Love & kindness, Bravery & honesty, Exploring & learning, Teamwork & friendship and Love of life and our world are planned into our Computing units where appropriate, to help our pupils identify, develop and demonstrate our values throughout all subjects.
Our school values of Love & kindness link well within our Computing curriculum because as part of E-Safety pupils are taught how to be kind and respectful online citizens.
Our school values of Bravery & honesty also link well within our Computing curriculum because, pupils are given opportunities to be resilient and determined learners, who are not afraid to make mistakes and make the most of all the opportunities they are presented with, particularly within the Computer Science, Digital Literacy and E-Safety unit.
Exploring & learning is embed in our Computing curriculum, because the activities that pupils experience enable them to be inquisitive learners who are enthusiastic about their learning, enjoy exploring endless opportunities and learn the essential Computing skills to prepare them for their future.
Within our Computing curriculum, pupils have opportunities to demonstrate Teamwork & friendship where they be confident and responsible members of society who have the skills to build friendships, learn collaboratively and work together to resolve conflicts.
Each year pupils learn about E-Safety which helps them to understand about suitable screen time and being caring online citizens as part of our school value of Love of life and our world, where they are being positive and connected individuals who understand the importance of looking after themselves, each other and the world we live in.
Where can I go to get support to help keep my child safe online?
There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:
Thinkuknow - advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
Internet Matters - support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Parent Info - support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
LGfL - support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Net Aware - support for parents and carers from the NSPCC
Computing Home Learning Opportunities
Please ensure that your child is supervised whilst using the internet.